As Atlas matures as a product, so does our understanding of the 2022+ “VB” WRX ECU, along with our code-base and engine that drives the software. Our software has grown enough internally that we have been able to comfortably add real-time tuning to Atlas.

What is Realtime Tuning?

Realtime tuning is a feature that enables you to edit tables while the car is running. Most vendors lock you in to a specific set of realtime tables, but Atlas instead enables you to live-edit any series of tables you desire in the ECU.

Simply start your vehicle, open the table you want to edit, and change away. Your changes will be immediately reflected on the ECU. Then, use our new fast flashing feature to quickly apply the changes to the ECU when you are satisfied with your calibration.

Atlas Open Tuning Platform

Atlas is a different breed of calibration suite: it is now capable of dynamically patching your ROM right before you flash to enable dynamically-compiled features with our second-to-none, in-house compiler and assembler that ships with the software. This architecture opens a plethora of doors for us at NAMR to provide even more groundbreaking features in the future, so stay tuned!