Latest Updates
Open Beta!
Atlas has completed it’s closed beta period, and although this took a bit longer than we had hoped, we’re now ready for our first beta release!
California Residents
After a thorough review of the laws and regulations regarding emissions compliance, we’ve unfortunately concluded that we cannot support users in the State of California that wish to reprogram their vehicles.
VA Chassis WRX Support
Compatibility with the previous generation of WRX was by far one of our most popular requests, and despite it’s beginnings as a VB WRX (2022-present) specific tuning platform, Atlas now supports tuning, datalogging and flashing for the VA chassis (2015-2021) WRX!
Realtime Tuning Support for the VB WRX
As Atlas matures as a product, so does our understanding of the 2022+ “VB” WRX ECU, along with our code-base and engine that drives the software. Our software has grown enough internally that we have been able to comfortably add real-time tuning to Atlas.
Fast Flash Support
With a revamped flash protocol leveraging a new flashing strategy, Atlas now supports fast flashing! This means dramatically reduced flash times with supported adapters.
Beta testing begins!
It’s been a long road getting from there to here, but we feel that Atlas has sufficiently matured and is now ready to begin beta testing!
Automatic table matching and ROM analysis
Despite the most popular functionality of Atlas being performance tuning and engine calibration customization, from its conception, Atlas was always envisioned to be a fully featured ECU analysis and management platform.
STN and ELM327 Support!
When this project started, Atlas was originally designed to use J2534 devices (such as the Tactrix OpenPort 2.0) though a custom driver baked directly into the program. While the Tactrix is an amazing device and will work the best with Atlas, we realize that stock...